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  • SAM, Multimodal AI and AI Impact on Economy

SAM, Multimodal AI and AI Impact on Economy

PLUS: Connecting brain to GPT-4

This issue of AI Dosis covers various topics related to AI, including news, articles, and AI tools. One of the articles discusses the Segment Anything Model (SAM), a computer vision tool developed by Meta that can isolate specific elements within an image or video. Another article explores the concept of multimodal in AI, which involves using different types of information to make computers smarter. Also included, a report from Stanford University's Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence on the impact of AI on the global economy, a few new AI tools and lastly, a video that explores the potential for connecting the brain to AI language models.

🔥 Trending

The Segment Anything Model (SAM)

Meta's new computer vision tool enables you to upload any image and isolate specific elements within it. The tool can also be applied to video, helping to segment and identify objects in the video. This technology makes computer vision accessible to virtually anyone, and they even offer a free demo that you can try out right now.

The Segment Anything Model (SAM) produces high quality object masks from input prompts such as points or boxes, and it can be used to generate masks for all objects in an image. It has been trained on a dataset of 11 million images and 1.1 billion masks, and has strong zero-shot performance on a variety of segmentation tasks. (source)

🗞️ News & Articles

What is MultiModal in AI?

Multimodal model is a fancy term for using different types of information to make computers smarter. This can help in many areas like healthcare, finance, and entertainment. It uses special techniques to learn and analyze data, which can make everything work better and more connected. Source

ChatGPT is Going to Change Education, Not Destroy It.

Initially criticized for its potential use as a cheating tool, educators have since reconsidered and integrated it into apps like Turnitin, Duolingo and Quizlet. ChatGPT can generate and identify flaws in text, create personalized material, and improve accessibility to customized tutoring. While concerns about cheating exist, ChatGPT can aid in teaching basic facts and skills, initiating a debate and representing a new beginning for education. Teachers should become familiar with its capabilities before judging its effectiveness. Source

[PDF REPORT] The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Global Economy: Trends, Adoption, and Challenges

Stanford University's Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence has found that nearly 800,000 AI-related job openings were backed by billions of dollars of investment from venture capital firms and large tech companies across the US in 2022. This report analyzes the impact of artificial intelligence on the economy and its deployment in businesses for productivity. It highlights China's increasing importance in the global economy, as it installed more industrial robots than the rest of the world combined in 2022.

It also covers:

  • AI-related job demand and growth sectors

  • Investment trends

  • AI adoption by organizations

  • Business leaders perceive AI to be important

  • Enhancing job satisfaction and performance.

  • The increase in robot installations and AI skills across occupations.

  • Valuable insights into AI's potential for growth and productivity, while identifying challenges to be addressed for its full benefits.

The sources for this report include Stanford HAI's AI Index 2023 Annual Report, McKinsey Global Institute, Deloitte Global, and International Federation of Robotics reports. These sources cover AI's impact on the economy, AI-related job demand and growth sectors, investment trends, and AI adoption by organizations. Source

🛠️ AI Tools

Ogimi: Your Personal Mindfulness Coach
Creates custom-guided meditation tailored to you. It aims to reduce stress and anxiety while improving your focus, emotions, and relationships. Ogimi also featured the benefits of recovering faster and optimizing sleep through AI-generated personal meditations that are guided and scheduled. (Link)

Furwee: Kids learning partner powered by ChatGPT
Furwee tool is an AI-powered "conversational tutoring" platform that makes learning more fun for children. It provides access to a free trial and offers personalized support to help children reach their educational goals. The platform also has terms of use, a privacy policy, and cookies in place to protect its users. (Link)

HeyMind: A new adventure to understand the mind.
HeyMind is a mobile app that provides users with access to wisdom and teachings from various historical figures, including Alan Watts, Lao Tzu, Jed McKenna, Rumi, Nietzsche, M. Angelou, Walt Whitman, Plato, Confucius, U.G Krishnamurti and more. The app allows users to gain knowledge and insight into life, the mind, and the world around them, and provides them with tools to better understand themselves and their journey. (Link)

▶️ Interesting AI Video

🧠 Connecting Brain to GPT-4 🧠 
The author claims to have connected his brain to GPT-4 using a compact electroencephalogram (EEG) and the OpenAI API with JavaScript. They provide a tutorial on how to use JavaScript to read brainwaves and discuss the use of an EEG for mind-reading. (Watch it)

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‘Till next time! ✌🏽

Jentan Bernardus

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